As many of you have probably seen by now, the summer flight schedule has been released. The morning departure bank is expected to be very busy with four flights between 6:55 am and 8:40 am:
Salt Lake City – Delta    6:55 am
Los Angeles – United    7:10 am
Denver – United           8:10 am
San Francisco               8:40 am
Applying lessons learned from last year’s busy summer with three flights, we have worked closely with the TSA and the airlines to make improvements where feasible to ensure a smooth departure experience this summer. Key changes you will see include TSA PreCheck during specified time periods, and hosts at the checkpoint entrance to assist queuing passengers.
Please understand neither the airport nor the TSA set the flight schedule – the airlines do this. We coordinated with the airlines and asked for them to spread the morning schedule out as much as possible considering our terminal constraints. Due primarily to bank times in the hub cities, the schedule we have is the best we could get. Without full expansion of the checkpoint and holdroom (trying to work on this), these are process related enhancements we believe will help make a difference.
Also, our parking lot has been filling up during peak demand times. We will work with our parking lot management company, The Car Park, and do our best to post the status of the lot on our website throughout the summer. Keep an eye on the website and look for social media blasts.
Please, if you or your friends are using SUN this summer, we strongly encourage your early arrival at the airport.
Lastly, TSA will be hosting a TSA PreCheck enrollment station here at SUN the week of June 24, 2019 (at the Twin Falls Airport the week of June 18 as well). If you ever wanted to get PreCheck status, or you need to renew, this will be a great opportunity. Cost will be $85. Look for more details coming in the next few weeks.