2021 we are so happy to see you! Your predecessor left quite a lot to be desired… While it may be a new year, it’s the same ol’ travel protocols we’ve been dealing with for a while now. Fortunately, we are starting to see some light at the end of this very long, dark tunnel. So hang in there and do your part, and this will all soon (hopefully), be a distant memory.
Congregating Discouraged
Social distancing signage remains posted throughout the terminal and on doors. As a result, furniture has been arranged for optimal social distancing. Airport management strongly encourages those picking up passengers to park in the designated parking spaces. Call the person you are picking up, and have them come to your vehicle or pick them up curbside. Congregating at the baggage claim and inside the terminal is strongly discouraged at this time. Your cooperation with this matter is greatly appreciated.
CDC and Local Healthcare Hygiene Input
Information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and from the local healthcare professionals and hospital is posted throughout the airport. This information highlights facts, symptoms and personal hygiene best practices. As part of this effort, hand sanitizers have been placed throughout the airport as well as the increase in the frequency of cleaning public areas with an electrostatic spray that is effective against the virus.Â
Face Coverings
Friedman Memorial follows the Public Health Emergency Order (PHEO), – that every person when in any indoor or outdoor public place must completely cover their nose and mouth when members of the public are physically present for otherwise unprotected social interactions.Â
At the time of this publication, Idaho is averaging around 1,200 new cases daily and Blaine county is averaging around 3-5 new cases daily. While Blaine county is not seeing the drastic spikes experienced like last spring, this is largely due in part to the PHEO that has been put in place by the county and surrounding communities. Along with limiting gathering sizes and maintaining the 6-foot distance from other people, the spread appears to be minimized by these efforts. For each of our communities partaking in the PHEO please refer to the links at: https://iflysun.com/2020/03/04/friedman-memorial-airport-is-aware-and-has-its-thumb-on-the-pulse-of-the-coronavirus/
Not Feeling Well?
As we all know, traveling with a fever, chills, cough, or other symptoms is strongly discouraged. Please stay home if you aren’t feeling well. During these times many airlines are issuing refunds and flight changes for those testing positive. Please contact them if you find yourself in this situation. Â
Click for More
Travel Safety Tips are just a click away. At flyhealthy.gov you can find tips from planning to arriving with the most current safety guidelines and restrictions in one place. Help prevent Covid-19 and travel safe! https://www.transportation.gov/flyhealthy