We are STRONGLY advising all travelers to arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes prior to scheduled departure time in the summer or when the weather is good in the winter, but at least 2 hours is strongly encouraged, especially during bad weather. In the event that Mother Nature intervenes in your travel plans, you will be contacted by your air carrier, who will provide you with information regarding alternative transportation to another airport, so that you will still arrive at your destination on time.
It is recommended that passengers always check-in at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time but no less than 90 minutes (the TSA Checkpoint is usually open 90 minutes before flight time). During the winter and when the weather is bad, please allow more time if you are traveling during the holidays or peak travel times and check the weather diversion page for more information about procedures during inclement weather for each airline.
The TSA advises that the best way to ensure a quick trip through the security screening process is to prepare. In addition to arriving 2 hours before a domestic flight:
When you travel, you will encounter visible and frequent security checks, to include screening of passengers and carry-on baggage. Personal identification along with boarding passes will be authenticated prior to boarding. All checked and carry-on baggage will be screened for prohibited items, please click here for a list of these restrictions.
In compliance with US federal government, the airlines do not allow sharp or dangerous objects to be taken beyond airport security checkpoints. This restriction includes knives, cutting tools of any kind, scissors, corkscrews, cigarette lighters, metal nail files, straight edge razors, baseball bats, golf clubs or ski poles. Examples of items that are permitted on flights include walking canes, nail clippers, safety razors, syringes, tweezers and umbrellas. Learn more
Using the Airlines name and Flight numbers from the flight schedule you can check the flight status at www.flightview.com. This site is not affiliated with Friedman Memorial Airport and we cannot be responsible for any inaccuracy in the information provided on this site.
To further check the status of a particular flight check your Airline.
Your airline via phone and their specific websites are your best source for information regarding departure delays due to local conditions and procedures.
1616 Airport Circle Hailey, ID
8:00 am to 6:00 pm M-Th Closed Fridays