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It’s official. As of November 1st, our project is substantially complete. We now have a fully operational fourth air carrier parking spot and reconfigured parking lot. Only minor landscaping in front of the new retaining wall next spring and some signage improvements based on user feedback, remain.

Not only did we complete the project a little ahead of schedule, but we were nearly $300,000 under budget.

Big thanks to T-O Engineers, our airport engineer (Sam, JD, Dave), Idaho Materials and Construction, our contractor (Rob and Robert, and Randy), The Car Park, Airport Operations staff and, of course, the Board for all the hard work and support. I know I missed some, but thanks to all.

Following up on our security checkpoint and wait times, the Board and I are proactively working with the TSA and FAA for possible relief. We are currently exploring options to expand the checkpoint and holdroom including funding and timelines. A lot of pieces have to fall into place for this to happen, and we’re hoping to know more before the end of the year.

With the holiday travel season upon us, another reminder that the airport will be busy and getting here early is highly recommended. TSA, the airlines, and the airport, all recommend you arrive no less than 90 minutes – with two hours preferred – before your flight during our peak travel times.

Speaking of TSA, TSA representatives paid a visit to local media outlets this week to offer travel tips and answer general and specific questions about SUN. We have included their 2018 holiday travel outlook to assist with your travel this holiday season below and the tips are also shared on our website.

Lastly, as a frequent traveler or visitor to the Friedman Memorial airport, you’ve driven by the Todd C. Combs Airport Management & Operations building (it’s the rust colored building to the right on top of the hill when you enter the upper parking lot). And though you may have seen Todd’s name on the building, you likely don’t know the story behind the name. Todd was a trusted friend and confidant to so many of us here at the airport.

Tragically, Todd died in a car accident on Highway 20 one August evening in 2014, shortly after leaving the airport on his way home after working here for the week on our construction project. I was not the airport manager when Todd was working at the airport. In an ironic twist, Todd was my co-worker and friend at T-O Engineers. Regardless, for all of us here at the airport and at T-O, not a day goes by that we don’t think of Todd. Below is a little story about the man behind the name.

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is only a week away… I wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


Chris Pomeroy

SUN Airport Manager

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