$305 million. This is the annual economic impact generated by SUN according to the new preliminary results of the Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) – Division of Aeronautics’ Idaho Airport Economic Impact Study. This is up from $120 million since the last Idaho Airport Economic Impact Study in 2010. Impacts include direct, indirect, and induced impacts from activity at the airport based on operational (including administration and airport tenants), visitor spending (both commercial and general aviation), and capital improvements components.

This impressive annual economic impact total of $305 million for SUN ranks second for commercial service airports in Idaho, second only behind the Boise Airport. Outputs for all Idaho commercial service airports include: 1) Boise – $2.7 Billion 2) Friedman Memorial Airport – $305 million 3) Pocatello Regional Airport – $178 million 4) Idaho Falls Regional Airport – $141 million 5) Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport – $115 million 6) Magic Valley Regional Airport (Twin Falls) – $108 million and 7) Lewiston-Nez Perce County Airport – $65 million.

Breaking down the numbers, visitor impacts account for a significant portion of the total output at roughly $247 million of the $305 million. No doubt a reflection of the success of the community’s support for air service through the 1% Local Option Tax for Air, and the leadership of Fly Sun Valley Alliance, and the Sun Valley Air Service Board in maintaining and attracting new air service to our community (enplanements at SUN have increased nearly 75% since 2010).Our substantial and unique level of business aircraft activity, and those visitors also play a huge role in our economic success. Overall, very impressive. Expect the full report to be released by ITD by the end of the year.

The weather the past several days is a reminder that winter is right around the bend. Todd and his airport operations team are preparing for winter operations. We continue to modernize and supplement our snow removal equipment fleet and snow removal capabilities. We are bringing on two additional pieces of equipment and additional staff resources for this winter. Last February and the 2016/2017 winters were challenging at the airport and we are focused on bolstering our capabilities. We will see what this winter brings and we will be prepared.

Enjoy your October.



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