At the December 2019, Friedman Memorial Airport Authority Board Meeting, the Board approved an increase in airport parking rates. Starting January 6, 2020, parking rates will increase for stays between the 1.5 and 3-hour periods, as well as the overnight rate.
The purpose of the increase is to assist us with anticipated upcoming expenses of much needed parking lot maintenance and improvements. The current parking lot pavement is nearly 25 years old and it is starting to deteriorate rapidly. Also, as we continue to grow, we need to look at options to expand our parking lot. Combined cost estimates of maintenance work and a potential new lot total over a million dollars.
In arriving at the decision to raise rates, the Board considered several factors. First, rate increase history at the airport (some rates have not been increased since 2002), a regional rate review of similar airports including Boise, Idaho Falls, Jackson Hole, Aspen, Bend, and Bozeman airports, and cost of anticipated maintenance and improvement needs. Based on the above, the Board felt the new rate increase is warranted.
As a reminder, the Friedman Memorial Airport operates as an Enterprise entity. As such, the airport does not use general taxpayer funds to support the operation of the airport. Developing a fair and effective rate structure is critical so we can continue to provide better services and facilities for you, our customers.
Here is the new parking lot rate structure starting January 6th, 2020:
Winter is here, so too is the Holiday Season. Wishing everyone a happy and safe Holiday Season with family and friends. And, enjoy the powder.
SUN Airport Manager