The Friedman Memorial Airport is located 13 miles south of Sun Valley, inside the City of Hailey and north of the City of Bellevue. It occupies just 219 acres in the narrow valley of the Big Wood River and is surrounded on three sides – north, east and west – by mountainous terrain. The mountains on the east and west side of the Airport rise approximately 2,200 feet above the valley floor. State Highway 75 border the Airport to the north and east; the Flying Hat Ranch is located immediately to the south and the Big Wood River floodplain, commercial/industrial development and light residential border the airport to the east, west and north.
The one runway at FMA is oriented from northwest to southeast and is 7,550 feet by 100 feet. The Airport’s elevation is just over 5,318 feet. As a means of comparison, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has indicated that suitable sites for a replacement airport should include, at a minimum, approximately 600 acres and allow, minimally, for at least one 8,500-foot primary runway.